I've been indulging recently in the ancient practice of meditation. It seems to help my mood and encourages my imagination to dive into a fantasy where the scene outside of lifeless trees and greek letters turns into vibrant buildings surrounding the career driven, thirsting for success. The yoga mat under my feet isn't in my small dorm room anymore, its in a studio; I'm fitting in a quick session before I head out to lunch with friends then back to office. Instead of a plastic cup of boxed wine and yesterday's aired tv shows, this evening plans include a double date with cocktails then off to classy waterside party. When my fantasy finally collides with reality, I'm at least a little more relaxed with the renewed hope that the stress of exams, projects, papers, assignments, meetings, classes, etc. will eventually aid in the achievement of my desired lifestyle.
I miss blogging. But I've come up short with inspiration here. Blacksburg just doesn't spark in me the phenomenal enthusiasm for life and what's surrounding me like New York did. *sigh* to make up for such a disappointment, i've been collecting pictures, sayings, videos, anything really from magazines and blogs that ignite that whirlwind of imaginative creativity i've grown fond of...some examples:
I look to some of my favorite blogs for those:
In other News, i had a the-world-is-so-small-and-weird-the-way-everything-is-connected moment the other day. It goes like this
My home page when I open my internet is http://www.grindtv.com/surf/. Basically reminds me of home and summertime and just puts me in a good place. So one of the featured pieces was on surfing magazine's swimsuit issue coming out. They gave a little teaser video that was the following:
2011 Swimsuit Issue from SURFING Magazine on Vimeo.
After some brief thought into whether the blondes or brunettes looked better to help decide my next hair color, I was completely intrigued by the poem/voice recording during the video. For those following along, That is the same voice at the beginning of Passion Pit's Sleepyhead Video:
Okay..still following? So naturally I had to know whose words those were "and everything was going to the beat.."
TURNS OUT after several minutes of searching the world wide web I stumbled upon this:
...and everything is going to the beat - It's the beat generation, it be-at, it's the beat to keep, it's the beat of the heart, it's being beat and down in the world and like oldtime lowdown...
For all my avid followers, that name SHOULD ring a bell!! That is name of the author of "On The Road" a book I started reading in New York on my birthday. AMAZING. ahhh it felt good to make that circle. I believe that was God's way of pointing me towards some inspiration: Jack Kerouac's writing. It's beautiful.
That's all for today! sweet dreams