Take me back to the beach.
I went home this weekend and for some reason it thoroughly sparked my interest, intrigue, and anticipations for the future. I'm not sure if Virginia Beach is where I'll end up but it got me in the mood to pursue real-life. At school all I can think about is graduating "on time", getting my work done, saving money, losing weight, justifying missing some socials, justifying going to others and trying to enjoy life for what it is the whole time. On campus I feel like I'm hiding behind my headphones. Weekends are a good release but not quite what they used to be filled with careless antics and endless spinning and laughter, this process on repeat for three days in a row. I think what I'm lacking right now is something to look forward to. Most of my friends are studying abroad next semester and some are graduating. Hearing them gossip and excite in the expanding horizons that await them and their ever-malleable minds, continues to increase my seemingly unsatisfiable hunger for life.
I've been doing a lot of observing recently. some would call it people watching. regardless, it's entertaining. you see some people completely engrossed in their conversations with friends in a careless, I've-got-no-worries-it's-friday, social-thriving extrovert way while others stare blankly at words floating meaninglessly in front of their sleepless faces. The same scenes, the people just change.
Not much going on in school besides the inevitable fade of motivation. I feel a bit at a stall in my life. On a search for meaning and purpose, I'm hoping something wonderful is headed my way. I need something, anything to happen. Some people believe that college isn't for everyone. I'm definitely in that group. It's not that I don't have fun or enjoy expanding my knowledge of the world around me, It's just the environment. I'm just not satisfied here and I can't wait to see what the world has in store for me on the other side.
for the visual...here are some shots from the 16 blocks fashion show this week featuring a lot of student designers (so talented!) as well as the "Only Girl In The World" Rihanna Video which I LOVE.
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