Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I have always been a storm

with decorated wrists I've been carrying a sandy-bottomed bag full of books, camera, ipod, sketchbook, tanning lotion, and a lot of inspiration to the beautiful beach on 54th street. I've been spending my days there or at my best friend and soul-family member Elliot's house talking about our love for life and music. Then meeting Virginia Beach's tourists and locals at Surf Club, waiting tables. I enjoy my evenings in long maxi-skirts laced with the aroma of coconut and a seafood restaurant, drink in hand, and a smile on my soul amongst friends. Life is groovy.

I have several times woken up in the very early morning hours to
the sweet music of thunder and delicious aroma of rain creeping through my window as the wind dances with my sheer, white curtains. For this I have found meaning in life. Living now for the sky and sweet, sweet music. natural and man-made.

I've developed an unhealthy obsession with the Rock n Roll scene of the 60's and 70's, mostly in L.A. I've read up on Fleetwood Mac, Janis Joplin, Pattie Boyd's book on her relationships with George Harrison and Eric Clapton and currently I'm with the band: Confessions of a Groupie by Pamela Des Barres. I've got Nick Mason and Mick Fleetwood's books being sent to me from Amazon.com accompanied by an extensive history of Led Zeppelin. With each page read, I silently shake my fist at God for putting me in the wrong generation.

So besides wishing I was the object of Jimmy Page's desire while frolicking with the creative souls in late 60s California, I've been enjoying the simple life of good friends, good music, and good times. In down time, I've fiddled with making jewelry, taking pictures, and fumbling with the black and whites as I try to get reacquainted with the piano. I have also been working on a soundtrack to my life. So far I've got a collection of 25 songs that have grabbed my heart or defined my soul at some point in my life. I've been having random revelations about how young, single, free, and happy I am.

Now I've spent some time with family at the beach, about to eat some crab legs while listening to Fleetwood Mac records. Life can be so good.

Some Photography fun so far:

My new obsession of old photos and old albums

The view from work

Home sweet VB

An illuminated fixture that felt my vibes and fit my mood. I discovered outside my front door coming home one night.
the beach

A baby Blue Jay we saved

My view most of the summer
and for some reason I felt inclined to take these shots after the beach one day.
And finally a song, rediscovered. so beautiful.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Any Disaster

I've been indulging recently in the ancient practice of meditation. It seems to help my mood and encourages my imagination to dive into a fantasy where the scene outside of lifeless trees and greek letters turns into vibrant buildings surrounding the career driven, thirsting for success. The yoga mat under my feet isn't in my small dorm room anymore, its in a studio; I'm fitting in a quick session before I head out to lunch with friends then back to office. Instead of a plastic cup of boxed wine and yesterday's aired tv shows, this evening plans include a double date with cocktails then off to classy waterside party. When my fantasy finally collides with reality, I'm at least a little more relaxed with the renewed hope that the stress of exams, projects, papers, assignments, meetings, classes, etc. will eventually aid in the achievement of my desired lifestyle.

I miss blogging. But I've come up short with inspiration here. Blacksburg just doesn't spark in me the phenomenal enthusiasm for life and what's surrounding me like New York did. *sigh* to make up for such a disappointment, i've been collecting pictures, sayings, videos, anything really from magazines and blogs that ignite that whirlwind of imaginative creativity i've grown fond of...some examples:

I look to some of my favorite blogs for those:

In other News, i had a the-world-is-so-small-and-weird-the-way-everything-is-connected moment the other day. It goes like this

My home page when I open my internet is http://www.grindtv.com/surf/. Basically reminds me of home and summertime and just puts me in a good place. So one of the featured pieces was on surfing magazine's swimsuit issue coming out. They gave a little teaser video that was the following:

2011 Swimsuit Issue from SURFING Magazine on Vimeo.

After some brief thought into whether the blondes or brunettes looked better to help decide my next hair color, I was completely intrigued by the poem/voice recording during the video. For those following along, That is the same voice at the beginning of Passion Pit's Sleepyhead Video:

Okay..still following? So naturally I had to know whose words those were "and everything was going to the beat.."

TURNS OUT after several minutes of searching the world wide web I stumbled upon this:

...and everything is going to the beat - It's the beat generation, it be-at, it's the beat to keep, it's the beat of the heart, it's being beat and down in the world and like oldtime lowdown...

For all my avid followers, that name SHOULD ring a bell!! That is name of the author of "On The Road" a book I started reading in New York on my birthday. AMAZING. ahhh it felt good to make that circle. I believe that was God's way of pointing me towards some inspiration: Jack Kerouac's writing. It's beautiful.

That's all for today! sweet dreams

Monday, February 7, 2011


I know. It's been months.

I don't even have an entry prepared. except i need to do something with this video i found. Something is sooo intriguing to me about the looks in this one. Couldn't think of a better place to share..

Sunday, November 28, 2010

vb state of mind

7 lbs. gained, work ethic diminished, and renewed enthusiasm for college life all from one week at home for thanksgiving break.

The break started off slow until some old friends came back to the oceanfront. I got to hang out with two of my best friends, both in very different parts of their lives' paths. one of which just graduated college and is living at home working as a salesperson at a new store in Virginia Beach. I love hanging out with him but he definitely helps me appreciate the lack of responsibility I have while being a full-time student.
The other is a third year college student, like myself, and she helps me appreciate what we have at home, the beach, friends, family, a life.

The week break was overall pleasant but only rendered me with a couple memorable times.

One evening I decided to break away from my 17th spider solitaire game and take some time in silence to think in one of my most sacred places. I walked out to our gazebo on a rare, extremely warm evening, the sun barely set, and accompanied by only the wind and our two dogs. The summer-like November night helped me feel God's presence, it helped my mood and hopes for the future. An ambiance of dangling christmas lights, trees rustling from soft breezes, surfboards lying on wood panels, crickets and the occasional wind chime bellowing, I can't describe perfectly the setting. The warm air's anticipations for a summer evening combined with the fall's eagerness for the holiday season. Just a couple nights before the seats were filled with friends reuniting and drinking beer while enjoying laughs and good music. Now delicious silence replaced the story-telling young adults. The picture quality isn't stellar on this website but here's a glimpse..

and my company for the evening..

The other more memorable night led me into a dream. I walked through a door into laser and disco lights and smoke from a fog machine that lingered with the taste of cheap beer and the aroma of stale cigarettes, then sat on a worn, stained couch cluttered with jackets and dog hair and finally indulged in the sweet sounds of the combination of three 20-somethings' jam bands. four microphones, three guitars (one a bass), two sets of drums, and one freeing feeling and encouraging vibe that seduced me to just let go. I swam in the music and couldn't think or worry about a single thing other than how bad i wish i had my camera but all the while knowing it could not possibly do the scene justice. Corona and Heineken bottles scattered across the room, mostly empty, on top of amps, next to headphones, and in callused hands under nodding heads.

The next morning, 4 of us went to the greatest place in Virginia Beach. The Belvedere. The outside is completely unassuming, but inside reveals a small bar, 5 or 6 booths, divine breakfast decadence, and familiar faces to pour your coffee and tell you to seat yourself behind the "Please Wait To Be Seated" sign.

My brother and his girlfriend..

The view (behind the festive windowsill pumpkin)

Best cup of coffee in the 757

My breakfast date and I...

and a couple from the ride home...

and for the song i'll share one of my favorites from Kid Cudi's new album...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

It's 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses

Take me back to the beach.

I went home this weekend and for some reason it thoroughly sparked my interest, intrigue, and anticipations for the future. I'm not sure if Virginia Beach is where I'll end up but it got me in the mood to pursue real-life. At school all I can think about is graduating "on time", getting my work done, saving money, losing weight, justifying missing some socials, justifying going to others and trying to enjoy life for what it is the whole time. On campus I feel like I'm hiding behind my headphones. Weekends are a good release but not quite what they used to be filled with careless antics and endless spinning and laughter, this process on repeat for three days in a row. I think what I'm lacking right now is something to look forward to. Most of my friends are studying abroad next semester and some are graduating. Hearing them gossip and excite in the expanding horizons that await them and their ever-malleable minds, continues to increase my seemingly unsatisfiable hunger for life.

I've been doing a lot of observing recently. some would call it people watching. regardless, it's entertaining. you see some people completely engrossed in their conversations with friends in a careless, I've-got-no-worries-it's-friday, social-thriving extrovert way while others stare blankly at words floating meaninglessly in front of their sleepless faces. The same scenes, the people just change.

Not much going on in school besides the inevitable fade of motivation. I feel a bit at a stall in my life. On a search for meaning and purpose, I'm hoping something wonderful is headed my way. I need something, anything to happen. Some people believe that college isn't for everyone. I'm definitely in that group. It's not that I don't have fun or enjoy expanding my knowledge of the world around me, It's just the environment. I'm just not satisfied here and I can't wait to see what the world has in store for me on the other side.

for the visual...here are some shots from the 16 blocks fashion show this week featuring a lot of student designers (so talented!) as well as the "Only Girl In The World" Rihanna Video which I LOVE.